Saturday, February 8, 2014

Swing Practice, or GAME Practice?

One phase of Game-Specific Training -
Here's the worst golf advice I ever received:  "You have to hit balls until your hands bleed."

Have you heard that one before?  Swing coaches around the world have preached this massive over-training of the golf swing for years, and there's no sign of letting up.  Even the title of swing coach is so specific and limiting that it's no wonder golfers are not getting better.  This is swing-specific training.

Swing-specific training is like practicing the piano, and the piano teacher says play Billy Joel's 'Piano Man' song until your hands bleed.  Then he says go out and play Beethoven on the deck of a pitching sailing ship.  You might get some of the notes right....but you're no 'Piano Man'.

So what of only hitting balls until you 'groove your swing' and get the impact and ball flight exactly right? Too bad it only happens on the range.  If you just want to hit it straight, stay on the range.

Instead, players will benefit from a new concept called GAME-Specific Training.  GST is training under game-playing conditions, understanding that on the course your ball flight will change!

GST - Game Specific Training is a concept I've developed after years of studying on-course performance.  Everything is game-specific and must transfer to the golf course.  In fact, if I don't SEE it happen for you on the course then I'm not doing my job!

It stands to reason:  What it takes to hit a high draw on the range is NOT the same as what it takes to hit a high draw from a tight lie slightly below your feet.  So practicing only on your swing practically insures that your desired ball flight will occur only sporadically on the course.
Practicing GST takes an open mind and an understanding of choice - a perfect model swing will fail on the course when you most depend on it and least expect it to...

...Which is when you're under pressure and you choose to depend on your swing and ignore 5 of the 6 ball flight influences that occur on the course....

Bob Duncan

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